We work with property owners to manage wildland fire fuels within the Boulder Mountain Fire Protection District.  We prepare land and structures within the district, to better withstand a wildfire for the purpose of property preservation and life safety.

We also maintain a qualified Emergency Response Team to respond to emergency incidents during the day, while many BMFPD volunteers are not available for response. These include wildland fires, medical emergencies, structure fires, vehicle accidents, and search and rescue operations, among other incidents. These events can be in the Boulder Mountain Fire Protection District, neighboring fire districts, throughout Boulder County and nationwide.

We seek to expand relationships with other wildland fire agencies for the purpose of information sharing, fuel break linking, and pre-planning for wildland fire events. 

We aim to create a wildfire mitigation program that is on the forefront of mitigation strategies and tactics, and actively seeks continual improvement and program growth.

Education   Mitigation   Preparation

2024 Wildfire Crew

Services we offer

Find out about the way the crew works and the different ways we can make your home and property more resistant to wildand fire.

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Ready to take the next step? Are you mitigating for the first time or arranging annual maintenance? We are ready to help.

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